Portrait: E. Jorand // Additional photos: St. Regis Hotel New York
I am a rather lazy traveller when I am preparing for my trip and adventurous as soon as I arrive.
When packing, I never leave behind my fragrance, a pair of jeans, a Sonia Rykiel sweater, a notepad and pens, a shawl, and sunglasses.
I don't really care about the labels behind a luggage. I do, however, love discovering big, soft, wheeled trolleys in dark colours that I can modify by traveling with them.
My ideal co-passenger would be a man who would surprise me.
The best solution for jet lag is to do something wonderful as soon as you arrive to your destination.
One place that I never want to see again is where a relationship ended… I would prefer not to even mention it.
As far as favourite hotels go, I love the Claridges Hotel in London for its refined atmosphere, the Raffles in Singapore for its British charm and the Pink Sand Hotel in Harbour Island for its Blue Bar that overlooks the ocean. Also, the St. Regis in New York City, Villa de Trancoso in Brasil for its calmness, and the Cipriani in Venice for its huge pool.
My own hotel would definitely look good, smell good, and feel good.
If the people around me are kind, I am not hard to please as a guest.
The most overrated destination in the world is anywhere that is overtly crowded. And the most underrated places are the ones that are waiting to be discovered.
I love shopping anywhere I travel to, but even more so when I visit New York City and Tokyo.
I always look forward to returning to a small tavern in Irina beach in the island of Paros in Greece.
Climbing down the Grand Canyon was an extraordinary experience with the most breathtaking scenery that I can think of.
Antiparos in Greece is definitely the most up and coming destination.
Go where your heart takes you. This is the best travel tip I can give to anyone out there.
This feature has also been translated and published in Vogue Greece.