Photo: Courtesy of Craig Landale
What is the biggest mistake one can make when getting dressed?
Too many accessories or garments that don’t fit properly. It is so important that you get the right size when buying clothing. Too many accessories can draw attention from the whole outfit and look a bit tacky. For example I like lapel pins, tie bars, pocket squares and ties — but I would never wear them all at once.
Please describe your style in three words.
Classic. Understated. Practical.
Do you believe in role models?
Yes sure, why not. I think the main issue is picking the right role models in life.
What are your favourite fabrics?
British fabrics such as millerain and tweed are my favourites. They’re perfect for the autumn season — my favourite season for fashion.
Are there any style combinations that you object to?
There’s a lot I object to personally, because I know my own style well and I know what doesn’t work for me. However, I see people wearing daring and new things all the time and they look great.
Which city has the best-dressed men?
London. There’s tons of stylish people from all around the globe here, which results in lots of micro trends and innovative styles.
Would you say that you are conservative or bold?
I go for understated colours such as navy and grey and I prefer to keep things minimal and classic. I have my daring moments every now and again though.
What are the rules in the way you dress?
If I’m not fully sure or if I don’t feel comfortable then it’s a no.
Celebrities and style...
Can be very powerful in terms of influence and trend setting.
Name one garment/accessory that you can never have enough of?
Shoes. I’ve got far too many at the moment and have a tiny flat in London so they’re spilling out everywhere!
A man should always look like...
He’s made an effort but then forgot about what he is wearing.
Who taught you what you know about style?
I’ve worked in a lot of areas of the fashion industry so buyers, merchandisers, bloggers, journalists and the people of London.
How do you select your clothing every morning?
According to the weather and if I have any meetings and events or if I’m just sat in my office.
The most stylish person you have ever seen...
David Gandy. Everything fits him perfectly.
Is comfort an enemy of style?
To a certain extent, but with Nike Flyknit and New Balance sneakers being a hot trend right now it’s rather easy to be comfortable and stylish.