Photo: Courtesy of Yasmin Kiafar
The most stylish person you have ever seen...
Everyone that works at Chloé. I was in awe at an interview when I was at St Martin’s.
Please describe your style in three words.
Classic, referential, and clean.
What is the biggest mistake one can make when getting dressed?
Trying too hard—it’s a cliché but true.
Do you believe in role models?
Absolutely. I am always subconsciously thinking of a heroine in a book or film when I am getting dressed.
What are your favourite fabrics?
Silk, Simplex, an amazing knitted synthetic I use in my collections, and cashmere.
Are there any style combinations that you object to?
Anything excessive.
Which city has the best-dressed women?
Paris…Sorry, London, but I must be truthful. It appeals to my inner bourgeois.
Would you say that you are conservative or bold?
Conservative, shamefully.
What are the rules, if any, in the way you dress?
Try to look neat.
Celebrities and style...
Are not synonymous with each other.
One garment/accessory that you can never have enough of?
Lace, and white… white lace.
A woman should always look like...
She has a life outside fashion.
Who taught you what you know about style?
My mother.
How do you select your clothing every morning?
The weather, what footwear will be appropriate… I start from the bottom and work up. Which bag I will need for the day has a bearing too.
Your biggest regret is...
Not having enough time to focus on my own outfits as I’m always thinking about the collections.
The three essential things a woman should know about style are...
Balance out your look, resole your shoes, buy decent handbags.
Do you have any shopping rituals?
None at all. I poach clothes from my mother’s wardrobe as I don’t yet have the time or bank balance to shop as I’d like.
We will never see you wearing...
Neon leggings!
Which new designers do you follow and why?
I admire other designers who have successfully launched their labels at this challenging time, like Mary Katrantzou.
What is the first thing you notice on a woman?
How she holds herself.
What are the most treasured items in your wardrobe?
A Joseph Tricot black cardigan of my mother’s and some platform Miu Miu’s I saved for when I was fourteen.
The one image that defined your approach to style...
Anything photographed by Paolo Roversi.
Which designer never fails to impress you?
Alaia. His consistency and faithfulness to his own style.
One article of clothing that a woman needs to pay close attention to is...
Her shoes. If they are old and ratty, it will ruin your look.
Is comfort an enemy of style?
I hope not! I am rarely out of my french sole ballet shoes. I put heels on, then always change at the last minute to flats.
Who would you like to see next in My Style?
My good friend Holly Fowler is an amazing print designer to be stocked at Browns. She has pretty fantastic style. Expect head-to-toe printed velour worn to breakfast…
The best word of advice you have ever heard?
Go with your first good idea. Too many designers are taught to over-design. Often their first idea was their best.